Ever though the 100% perfect made money online formula?
Do you think you are better then those who have earn some big bloody cash online,and you going to made double money they earned?
(BTW you might thought making money with 13 years old is a joke because you think you are better ,only not starting yet.)
Now,Why just so many people doesn't make it?well, I have posted 11 deadly mistakes to avoid when make money online .But there is one big (biggest ) mistake that should add....
If you think you are genius(I am one of them) ,and haven't achieve any tormentors results.The reasons might be :
"You Are Too Damn Perfect"
As a perfectionists.....(example below is for made money online blogger)
- Are you concerned with being "wrong," or making errors, you waste HUGE amounts of time obsessing over tiny details.(you might not like my post due to little spelling/grammar error,oops!!!)
- Are your not satisfier with your blog template,you couldn't start your contents just because of banner is too big,etc?
- You yet to buy any SEO tools because you need to run a deep research on which one is the best and when you figure out ,new tools coming out,you need to restart the research again,again and again.....
It happened,right?
The Fact is we Don't always need to be perfect.Perfectionism can be the worst enemy of your achievement.It doesn't mean we should settle for second best but be realistic.If you aim for great achievement and fear of making even one tiny mistake! you have making one BIG mistake..------Perfectionism .
By the fear of not doing something perfectly,after a period time, perfectionists are most likely become procrastinators.
Now What..."I Just wait because it's not perfect".......The procrastinator said.
According to wikipedia.(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Procrastination)"
- Procrastination may result in stress, a sense of guilt, the loss of personal productivity, the creation of crisis and the disapproval of others for not fulfilling one's responsibilities or commitments.
- These combined feelings can promote further procrastination.(This killing ,like never ended cycle).
- While it is normal for people to procrastinate to some degree, it becomes a problem when it impedes normal functioning. Chronic procrastination may be a sign of an underlying psychological or physiological disorder."
No doubt , settle for second best is Cower, we should aim for excellence every single day.."But we should able to accept little imperfect (If we have try our best) and move on.Don't Stop and Stare..you know what I mean?
;)This post is written by Elvin chen exclusively on :http://earningsource.blogspot.com//:)
How to overcome perfectionist impulses?
Five strategies you can use to overcome your perfectionist impulses.