5 trategies to overcome your perfectionist towards Internet business

Are you Perfectionism?

You should aware,Most probably perfectionism will effect your Internet business+ and your life...

How to overcome perfectionist impulses?

Below are five strategies you can use to overcome your perfectionist impulses, and become a more balanced (and happy) achiever...Five strategies you can use to overcome your perfectionist impulses:

  • Strategy #1: Be realistic about what you can achieve.

Many perfectionists set themselves some mission impossible,"deadly" deadlines, or take on tasks they can't reasonably hope to complete on their own.Then, when they inevitably fail, they beat themselves up for not being perfect, which just makes them procrastinate further, or be even MORE obsessive with the next task.

So take a long, hard look at what you plan to accomplish during any given day. Ask yourself if your goal is reasonable and realistic. Is it something somebody else would be able to accomplish?

If the answer is no, then break the goal into smaller "chunks," and focus on completing one small piece at a time.

  • Strategy #2: Set strict time limits for each of your projects

A great technique for heading off the endless wasted hours working on trivial things is to give yourself a limited amount of time to complete any given task.

Just STICK to those time limits. Be firm!

This will keep you from burning up an entire day hunting for that "perfect" image to add to your site, when you could have been doing something with that time to complete tasks that would add considerably more value to your business.

  • Strategy #3: Think of failure as a learning experience

It's inevitable: some of the things you try with your site simply won't work!So instead of thinking about a sales letter that didn't convert the way you wish to. it to as a sign that you're a failure at writing sales copy, look at the "failed" letter as the perfect opportunity to understand your market better.

By evaluating why the letter didn't work, you'll gain a better understanding of your audience, which will help you in many other aspects of your business as well.

  • Strategy #4: Celebrate your successes

When you're a perfectionist, it's easy to focus on the fact that you haven't yet achieved some of the goals you set for yourself, which can feed into your fear of failure.

So, rather than taking a negative view of what's NOT done yet, take some time to look at all of the smaller things that you HAVE accomplished while working toward your goals.

Remember that it's not just the end goal that matters. The smaller milestones you complete along the way are successes in themselves.

  • Strategy #5: Don't be afraid to admit you need help

Believe me, YOU are the only person who expects you to have all the answers!

I know from personal experience that taking advice and direction for your Internet business from people who have already figured it out, is a HUGE advantage...... and NOT a sign that you're a failure!

Forgive me if I have some grammar error ,since I "would like to try" not to be perfectionist I just hit the publish button and until next time...good luck!

*These five strategies bought to you by Derek Gehl .I added some personal point,hope it help.

©Do Not Copy Without Permission !

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