What words that can bring results to you PPC ad campaign. Below listed top 10 keywords that can increase the click through rate of your ad anytime.
1. " "New/Latest" .
New products,New features. New tastes,New technology.New thing will easily attract people attention .
2. "Fast" .
Nowadays,people just chasing fast results, fast delivery, fast ordering, etc. ,That's what M'donalds do...
3. "Secret" .
When it's secret,it mean not everyone(ah pig and ah dog ) know.It's only for those genius have a chance to et it.Does it sound good.People just like secrets.
4. "easy/simple" .
Who like complicated thing?Make it easy ,easy to order, easy instructions, easy to use,easy payments, etc.
5. "testimonial" .
So,your product is good. It should be reputable and specific proof.People will think "how many people has use it?is that really good?"testimonial answer it.
6. "discount/sale "
.People love to find bargains. They could be rebates, one time sales, percentage offers, e.g.$195 now for $19.95 etc.(that too much) .
7. "Free" .
People just can resist free stuff,give some free gifts. They could be free report, accessories, services,.buy one free one offers .etc I know there is buy 1 free 10 out there.(again ,It's too much...but,I like it)
8. "Now"
.Let them know it's time sensitive offer.People will make fast decision since it's limited time offer.but only it really "now".Don't sell it when the time up.It's your reputation .I have pointed this out before ,don't lose it.
9. "Exclusive" .
When some things that are exclusive or rare,people will give special attention to it, because they are considered to be more valuable.
10. "Guaranteed" .
Be assured it's not risking their hard earned money to buy your goods.Give a piece of mind to your customer.Like "Money back guaranteed" .
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