Why can't i earn money from WidgetBucks

Can you make money online with WidgetBucks?

Earn $$ with WidgetBucks!
WidgetBucks is expanding their advertisement network to Western European .But for most of the Asia country ,it seem WidgetBucks only offering CPM (the CPM rate varies by region from around the world).

WidgetBucks is not for everyone.

< style="font-weight: normal;">Non PPC country
For CPM Country Lists ,It mean you only get paid for every 1000 impressions display WidgetBucks ad (from CPM Country Lists),no matter how many click you get.you earn zero .For the country not in the list.you earn nothing no matter how many thousand impression you manage to get from those country. it's zero.

< style="font-weight: normal;">WidgetBucks Ad Vs affiliate links
Now,out of thousand times of page display/reload,do you think you manege to made 1 sales if you promoting your affiliate product?

Well,If you have very low conversion rate ,you earn nothing even you get 10'000 impressions your from your affiliate link, If you can't made any sales.It wasted your space.Consider WidgetBucks then...As long as the site meets the terms of service, you can use ads on any kind of site or pages you are looking to monetize.

WidgetBucks pros and cons
1. " non-English language sites are not allowed"
We can't 100% compare Google Adsense with WidgetBucks since they have different kind of ads display. (we can run WidgetBucks with Google AdSense in the same site).But one point WidgetBucks Sxck is that non-English language sites are not allowed.

2."Not globally"
While others company like Google Adsense is offering both PPC (paid per click)and CPM (cost-per-thousand ) for any country.(International). .WidgetBucks has their own list.

3. "Never worry about click fraud like Google Adsense"You never get paid anyway.
You know, you only get paid each time a user from the CPC country listrefer this :WidgetBucks expanding to Western European clicks on a WidgetBucks ad widget on your site, .The country which not in the list will not count as a click.

So,if your royal visitors are not coming from the listed country,should I say you and your royal visitors can just click on you (own)ads without worry about click fraud like SCALY adsense...

If your blog visitors comes from a country not on either the CPC or CPM Country list, it mean the WidgetBucks ad that you put on your blog is:
  • The ad that make no money
  • It's a free ad.
  • It's a decoration.
  • It's useless rubbish.
Forget about joining WB If this is you visitor's maps :

4.Very attractive ad design
No doubt WidgetBucks has very attractive ad Widget compare to boring Google ad.


Two ways to make money from WidgetBucks

1. Know where your visitor's from before placing your WidgetBucks,It could be the key of the "success story"or the cause of "earning nothing"in your made money online journey.

2.Through the Referral Program, earn a 5 percent referral fee based on the commissions earned by the people you refer. Affiliates receive this 5 percent for the full 12 months after the new member joins. Earn $$ with WidgetBucks!

The calculation:

If they make $1000, you get $50.

If they make $100, you get $5.

Be sure you refer those who has great number of visitors from the listed country.and don't forget to tell them be aware for the" unlisted country" free ad.

Lastly,I think WidgetBucks concept is good but they should work hardest on gaining the international publishers confident in order to expand their Internet advertising business globally.

Check your country list before thinking how you can earn money from it or you might call WidgetBucks a scam.

Why can't i earn money from WidgetBucks @http://earningsource.blogspot.com
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