90% people who join a MLM company don't make money

The chance and opportunity to succeed in MLM mostly based on individual efforts and one most important factor .. .Join the right company at the right time. 

The fact that most people who join a MLM company don't make money. 

First, there's no denying it, most people who join an MLM company don't make much money.  Also most people who set out to be best-selling authors doesn't  make it.  Most people who wish to be professional athletes don't make it.  MLM is often compared to traditional businesses where the failure rate can also be as high as 90% over a period of 5-10 years.

The  difference between a traditional business and a MLM business
The primary difference between a traditional business and a MLM business is the barrier of entry related to capital  and money.  It takes VERY little/minimum  money to start an MLM business as compared to a retail or other traditional business.  This means that there is virtually no barrier of entry to starting an MLM business.  The capital barrier of entry to starting, say, a McDonalds restaurant franchise is much more significant invest in the millions of dollars.

Qualifications required to join a MLM company
Plus there are few if any qualifications required to join a MLM company or sign up as a distributor.  No experience is required.  No special training is needed before signing up. No degrees or other academic credentials are required.  Anyone who is willing to sign the form and pay the modest enrollment fee is welcome to join.

That means that MLM attracts a much broader cross-section of people - people from nearly every conceivable type of background and experience level.  And not all of these people are going to succeed in MLM - just as most would not succeed in running a traditional business.

The risks of failure

The risks of failure are not much different from a MLM business vs. a traditional business.  But the consequences of failure in a MLM business are much less financially damaging than failure in a traditional business ,simply because of the difference in the amount of capital needed to start each type of business.

So is it better to allow nearly anyone the opportunity to start their own MLM business vs. the strict and daunting financial screening process required to start a traditional business?  Sure, many more people may fail in MLM, but many more people were also given the opportunity to succeed.

The"opportunity" to succeed. 
No one will or should guarantee you success ,but It does guarantee you the "opportunity" to succeed. 

In traditional business everyone else is your competition.  But in MLM your success depends on the success of others who you help to succeed.

MLM is the great equalizer of opportunity , but not a guarantor of success.  The opportunity to succeed, you need to provide the drive, ambition, patience, and diligence.

Lastly,be aware when joining those MLM that promise fast money with no extra effort needed(Just by investing money ),I would say it 99% scam.


If you are that 10% and have any success story to share,I would love to hear from you..Good Luck.




TeamSizzle :DaveB


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