The PPP( Pay Per Play) distribution network (NetAudioAds) has grown to almost 1 billion registed members.That mean it has the capability of serving close to 1 billion audio ads on a monthly basis.
While they were only expecting about 200 million audio ad plays per month and have far exceeded this goal.
Now, the publisher are more then the advertiser 5 times.
Currently NetAudioAds can only serve approximately 220 million paid ads per month based on current advertisers. This means that at full throttle only 1 out of every 5 hits (shown in the stats system) will trigger a paid audio ad.
The PPP is taking a good care to it members by controlling the number of new members joining the NetAudioAds.They will then switch hats toward gaining more advertisers.Yes, Pointless for the distribution network to get any bigger before they can paid well to it current members ..We can't effore another agloco...!
As a result they will be temporarily closing the opportunity to acquire new partners so that they can fill the entire network with advertising.
This opportunity has closed. No more register for now....Have you register?
I have register.Now,What can I do ?
You have 2 choices:
1. Sit back, relax and let us fill the pipeline with advertisers allowing you to get paid for 100% of your website traffic (where PPP code is placed).
2. Get actively involved with procuring advertisers and get paid in the process. This is a huge opportunity… Advertisers are hungry for this deal. Just like the publisher opportunity, this opportunity will fill up fast and if you don’t act right away then you will lose out. This is not hype … this is truth.
There is a huge opportunity to earn substantial income by referring advertisers.they are pretty of room now.(capability of serving close to 1 billion audio ads on a monthly basis.)As they said:
We Are Bigger than Television…
"We have all created an asset; we have created one of the largest advertising distribution networks in world history. Now we need to capitalize on this asset by filling the entire network up with advertisers."
If you haven't register.Keep updated regularly,when the next batch of memberships is open for registration.Don't miss it again.
My early posted:PPP.Audio ads that paid.