I do have very good experience with SlasMySearch when it was just started,its has a very outstanding searching results (power by snap.com).good payout and it's kind of alternative choice instate of Agloco( Paid per search programs) at that time.But now it seem boths SlashMySearch and Agloco having their "technical problem" on making money online for their members.
SlasMySearch is a Paid per search program at the very fist place,but they do bring in other earning sources like SMS cash SMS pix ,etc.No doubt ,it's good to have many source's of earning but just don't screw up the search function by changing the search engine too frequent(more then 3 search engines has been used including the Google custom search).And i still ,still getting this massage when doing my search sometime:

"We are currently experiencing technical difficulties. Please try again in a few minutes. Thank you."-
It's fine to have some technical problem ...But Please don't ask us to try again in a few minutes when it will take few days/few months.(unknown)
However,the idea(Paid per search) is good and i just hope SlasMySearch admin can do something more aggressive on taking the SlashMySearch backto the track.perhaps i should say take the Internet back,to us.
by :http://www.hits.byinter.net/